Wednesday 18 January 2012

Self Esteem Website Assessment

I am assuming that Psychology today is a some-what reliable source, although I find that sometimes these kinds of websites do not base the results on accurate studies and often find that based on the score you get, you are put into an assumption category which may not always reflect your day to day self. In situations where you may be having a bad day and feeling down, of course the way you answer your questions will not be praising to the way you usually are. The opposite is also true, maybe you are feeling particularly confident one day, for whatever reason, you may over assess the way you usually are. I think generally websites that will give you a more accurate assessment are websites that have been credited or websites related to professional research facilities, universities, etc. The often will ask more questions to get a more accurate understanding and will not be so quick to immediately categorize you as confident or non-confident.

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