Tuesday 24 January 2012

My goal for this semester...

1. The area or I would like to change or improve is:
I would like to get an A or higher in health class.

2. Pick a primary goal in your lifestyle within the above mentioned Wellness Wheel
area that you want to work on achieving.
It would focus on the educational aspect of the wellness wheel.

3. What health benefits would you receive if you made a change in this area?
This goal would benefit my educational and occupational aspects.

4. What difficulties might make achieving this goal a challenge?
I must pay attention and complete all the assignments that we get and hand them in on time.

5. The people you will ask for support and assistance are:
I will need my health teacher, Mr. Myers, to make sure that he assesses me fairly and regularly on powerschool so that I can keep in account how I am doing. Also I will need my fellow classmates to help me stay focused and on task in class.

6. Three specific steps involved in making this change/improvement are (be specific)

a. Write down assignments for class in my homework diary so that I don't forget about them
b. Keep an eye on how I am scoring on my assignments on power school
c. Take notes down in class so I have all the material needed when we have a quiz, test, or final exam

7. How will you record of your progress?
Using power school I will clearly be able to see what grade I have achieved on each assessment and from there I can see if I need to improve or if I am on the right track


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