Monday 30 January 2012


a. Reflect on the activity results that you just completed. How did your own stress levels related to the hierarchical position match up with what the video said?Do you agree that your position in a hierarchy has an inverse relationship to stress levels?
In my situation, I did not agree with what the movie said because in high positions, I have more stress as opposed to hierarchies in which I have a lower position. In m choir class, I do not have such a high position so  I am not stressed since I don't have to sing any solos alone for example. Whereas when I was secretary of student council, I was much more stressed because I had to manage every one else work and be one of the main organizers of everything that the council does. The whole council would rely on me so therefore, stress in that situation of the hierarchy was more stressful though I am in a high position. 
b. Use the following terms in an analysis/reflection. Go any direction you want with it.
a. Decision making, self esteem, wellness

People who have reached a certain level of personal wellness in terms of education, physical, occupational, social, spiritual, and intellectual, will often find it easier with decision making. Along with this, these people probably have a high self-esteem to make well confident decisions. 

Tuesday 24 January 2012

My goal for this semester...

1. The area or I would like to change or improve is:
I would like to get an A or higher in health class.

2. Pick a primary goal in your lifestyle within the above mentioned Wellness Wheel
area that you want to work on achieving.
It would focus on the educational aspect of the wellness wheel.

3. What health benefits would you receive if you made a change in this area?
This goal would benefit my educational and occupational aspects.

4. What difficulties might make achieving this goal a challenge?
I must pay attention and complete all the assignments that we get and hand them in on time.

5. The people you will ask for support and assistance are:
I will need my health teacher, Mr. Myers, to make sure that he assesses me fairly and regularly on powerschool so that I can keep in account how I am doing. Also I will need my fellow classmates to help me stay focused and on task in class.

6. Three specific steps involved in making this change/improvement are (be specific)

a. Write down assignments for class in my homework diary so that I don't forget about them
b. Keep an eye on how I am scoring on my assignments on power school
c. Take notes down in class so I have all the material needed when we have a quiz, test, or final exam

7. How will you record of your progress?
Using power school I will clearly be able to see what grade I have achieved on each assessment and from there I can see if I need to improve or if I am on the right track


Wednesday 18 January 2012

Self Esteem Website Assessment

I am assuming that Psychology today is a some-what reliable source, although I find that sometimes these kinds of websites do not base the results on accurate studies and often find that based on the score you get, you are put into an assumption category which may not always reflect your day to day self. In situations where you may be having a bad day and feeling down, of course the way you answer your questions will not be praising to the way you usually are. The opposite is also true, maybe you are feeling particularly confident one day, for whatever reason, you may over assess the way you usually are. I think generally websites that will give you a more accurate assessment are websites that have been credited or websites related to professional research facilities, universities, etc. The often will ask more questions to get a more accurate understanding and will not be so quick to immediately categorize you as confident or non-confident.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

How Healthy Am I?

Physical: 6/10 because I participate in dance and volleyball but I do not have a stromg stamina.

Intellectual: 8/10 I am an above average student and pull about an A/A- on my report card

Occupational: 9/10 I am a high school student, in choir, student council secretary, cheerleader, and part of the local theater (before I moved to KL). 7/10 now because I am new so I have not quite gotten part of the after school clubs or groups

Emotional: 9/10 I like to be realistic and not let my emotions get in the way of decision making though I am usually a happy person with a positive outlook on life

Spiritual: 9/10 I have been raised a muslim and I strongly believe in God though I never really attend mosque

Social: 10/10 I have many friends and do not have trouble getting along with other people. As a new student, I found it a bit difficult in the first week of school before I already started making friends