Monday 9 April 2012

Letter to My Unborn Child

My love,
I know that I am probably not around now to read this letter to you but I want to make sure that you don't make that same choices that I did. If I had been better educated, I would be there with you now. It should be your 16 today I know this may be hard for you to hear or understand, but when I was 16, I tried cocaine for the first time. My boyfriend at the time, a model for abercrombie and fitch, used to blow a lot of coke. I was convinced that it would be alright because it was only be once so I figured I wouldn't be addicted to it after just one time. The problem was that after I tried it, I liked the stimulating sensation because nothing else seemed to matter. I had already begun drink and smoke cigarettes for a while before that but after my 16th birthday, things just started to spiral down. I would be able to control my smoking addiction and drinking outside of school work but once I started cocaine, that was all that was important. Cocaine wasn't easily accessible especially after I broke up with my boyfriend so I started going to expensive night clubs which was illegal because I was underaged. The group of people I began spending time with put me immediately in the club scene. Being part of that world with friends who were older and had money to blow also got me taking other club drugs like ecstasy because I could stay awake and party the whole night since it was a stimulant. It was all very fun and exciting at the time also because I didn't have to buy the coke myself, they had enough to go around until one night. A guy that I had only met once or twice had spiked my drink with a pill of ecstasy without me knowing but I was already tripping out. The last thing I remember from that night is seeing butterflies in the night club. I didn't think that ecstasy could make me see things because is not usually thought of as a hallucinogenic drug. Then I kind of zoned out into the disco lights of the club and after that I was gone. Woke up the next morning in a hospital bed with my parents sitting next to me crying. They had no idea about any of my actions. The doctor explained how I had a major overdose due to a mixture of stimulating and depressant drugs since I was mixing cocaine, ecstasy and alcohol. They suggested that I would go to a rehabilitation program but I didn't feel that I had a drug problem. All the people I thought we my friends, didn't show up or even care. But clearly there is a reason for drinking ages. I just didn't think it was too much of a bad thing because it was socially accepted or a social norm you could say. After spending 6 months in a rehab program, once I got out, I just couldn't stay sober. Got back to my cocaine addiction along with crystal meth. I'm in the hospital with gum and liver cancer and all the doctors have given up on me. I don't to give up on you because I know that you are better than that. Please don't be influenced to make wring decisions like I did. 
Love you, 

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