Thursday 23 February 2012

Health Interview :D

What is her relationship to you?
I interviewed my mother.

1. Have you always been as healthy as you are now? Please explain.
Ever since I moved to Malaysia, I have been gaining a lot of weight so I recently decided to eat more healthy and start doing some kind of physical activity like swimming. When I was younger, I used to smoke cigarettes but after I got pregnant, I stopped. Also I have seen the negative effects that alcohol can have on people so I personally decided not to drink any kind of alcohol anymore. 

2. What particular health habits in the following areas do you practice, that contribute to your level of health?

Nutritional Habits: I focus on getting ample amounts of fruits and vegetables everyday as opposed to fatty foods.

Fitness Habits: When I get home from work I usually try to go and swim 20 lengths of the pool. I try to do this often as possible because I think it is healthy for me. On the weekends, I usually go for a walk/jog at the nearby park.
Coping with Stress: Comfort foods are my main way of avoiding dealing with stress but I really just like to deal with whatever is stressing me so I can worry about it for the least amount of time possible.  

Dealing with Conflicts: I tend to deal with conflict head on and as soon as possible. I feel it is better than avoiding and eventually having to deal with later on. 

Keeping a Positive Attitude: I get my positive attitude from my kids and try to keep it at home and in my personally work environment. 

Any Additional Healthy Habits: Again, I do not smoke or drink alcohol at all. 

3. How did you develop these habits? Please explain.
I think that focusing on being and staying health is very important to me. I often cases, I have purposely adopted these habits because I have seen other who have issues with being unhealthy and because of that, are having to face physical and emotional instabilities. Therefore, I tend to steer towards the healthier alternatives. 

4. What motivates you to practice a healthy lifestyle?
I think one of the main reasons I choose to try and eat health and work out is because ever since I moved to Malaysia, I have been eating a lot more because there are so many new and interesting foods to try here, so I have gained loads of weight. Diabetes and easy weight gain is extremely common with in my family so I am really trying so get physical movement whilst still being able to enjoy all the great food, Malaysia has to offer. 

5. Create a question of your own that you would like to ask regarding this person’s healthy lifestyle. Make sure that the question allows your interviewee to expand on his/her thoughts (not a one word answer).

Question: Would you have continued smoking if you weren't pregnant?

Answer: I think probably for a little while I would have, in fact I did start smoking for a little while after my oldest child was born but I did and would have stopped anyways regardless of being pregnant. This is mainly because, durning the time was getting pregnant, the bad/negative effects of smoking cigarettes were not really well known like they are now. No one really knew that they were that bad for you. Now-a-days, every one, regardless of weather they smoke or not, generally know that smoking is bad for you and that is why in the long run I would have stopped smoking even without my kids. 

Monday 13 February 2012

Cry For Help

I think that this was a very interesting, eye opening video because often times we know that people do commit suicide but we are not aware of how much it happens in school communities. This video showed us how many people are considering suicide and the scariest part was probably that these teenagers are doing a very good job hiding their depression and symptoms so when suicide occurs it is usually too late. This makes me think about how many people in my community are struggling to deal with their depression or have attempted suicide. The other worrying thing was how unaware the parents are of their children's suicidal activity. It is important to have these websites and information days at school to help open up students feelings.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Attempted Suicide of Teenagers

A Case Study on Suicide
Bob Stone 
Online Resource

                    This case study is about a teenage boy called Eric, who attempted suicide at the age of 15 when his father died. As a means of dealing with the depression, he turned to drugs and alcohol. This didn't seem to be solving his problems because he was actually so angry at his father for dying. On night, he woke up in the middle of the night, put on his best clothes, went to his fathers grave with his room mates shotgun, and after downing some whiskey, shot himself under his chin. At 4:00 am, he was lying in a pool of his own blood. At that moment, he knew he didn't want to die so he started to pray to God for some kind of miracle to save him. Eric survived after being in a coma for a week and under going reconstructive surgery. He decided to give up the drugs and alcohol and turned to Christianity for being his savior. Now he works for T.A.P.S (teenage awareness preventing suicide). 

Bigger Meaning: 
                     This article shows people that although they feel that their life is horrible, everything is going wrong, and that the world is out to get them, they can still find a way to turn it around. A lot of these teenagers do turn to suicide because they feel that it is the only option to be free after drugs and alcohol but as we can see from this article there are ways to get out of suicide, in this instance Eric turned to God to help him out of his depression. 

Personal Meaning: 
                     I feel that this article is very touching and makes me more aware that yes there are people who have trouble dealing with death of family members but it also goes to show that although you may be depressed or upset or think that nothing is going right, you can still find ways to help your self, whether it be through God, supportive family or friends, Teenage Help Organizations, etc. This article was actually quite eye opening for me to realize that there are people, younger than me, who are dealing with problems which leading them to wanting to end there life. I think by being aware of this, I, myself as well as other who reading this can understand that you can get help to carry on or get out of depression and that suicide is not the answer. 

xXx Noor Haider xXx